Saturday, May 3, 2008

Is an Injury Proof Car Possible

Volvo has come out with an ambitious plan to eliminate any injuries or deaths in their cars by 2020. They also want to go one step further and design cars that don’t get into accidents at all. Though it may sound unreal, automobile industry experts believe it is possible.

Automakers, parts suppliers, governments and global agencies from the United Nations to the OECD are all looking at ways to relegate to memory the roughly 1.2 million deaths and 50 million injuries caused by motor vehicle crashes each year.

But in what some analysts see as a bid to hold its lead in consumer perceptions of safety, the Swedish carmaker now owned by Ford is the first to set a target date to eliminate death and injury in its cars.

“I think if you look into the future, we as a community will not accept that we have injuries,” said Jan Ivarsson, leader of the Volvo safety team with specialists in everything from biomechanics to engineering to behavioral science.

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